Noiz expresatzen da norbait verbaz edo izquirioz ez da berdin expresatzen evidentequi. Aspaldian nago quezcaturic zeren -izquirioz ere- erabilten da lar sarri edo quasic bethi an phrase comparativoac euscaraz- hau structurá
... A, B baino.
Gazteago da Trump, Biden baino.
Halan noiz iracurri dut ondoco phrase comparativo inglesa pensatu dut ze nehorc ez luque erabilico traducitzeracoan euscarara hori structura e "... A, B baino". Hemen daucazu ondoren hori phrase comparativoa inglesez
So, I would also say that the idea that there was a single original human language and that that language was SOV probably has a higher chance of being true than any claim about the human mind that any generative syntactician has made in the last 30 years, and (though this is probably more contentious) than any reconstructed forms for Proto-Indo-European being correct. There’s a lot of highly speculative work in linguistics.
Beraz, arguiqui "... A, B baino" structura syntacticoa ez da asqui ona eta effectivoa communicatzeco fite. Izquirioz darabilgunean dugu calte handia eguiten ki iracurle euscalduna.