
Afrikaans Northern Sotho Southern Sotho Swati Tsonga | Tswana Venda Xhosa Zulu |
South Africa has eleven official languages:[39] Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, siSwati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa and isiZulu. In this regard it is second only to India in number. While each language is technically equal to every other, some languages are spoken more than others. According to the 2001 National Census, the three most spoken first home languages are Zulu (23.8%), Xhosa (17.6%) and Afrikaans (13.3%). [21]
There are eleven official names for South Africa, one in each of the official national languages.
The country also recognizes eight non-official languages: Fanagalo, Khoe, Lobedu, Nama, Northern Ndebele, Phuthi, San and South African Sign Language[citation needed]. These non-official languages may be used in certain official uses in limited areas where it has been determined that these languages are prevalent. Nevertheless, their populations are not such that they require nationwide recognition.
Many of the "unofficial languages" of the San and Khoikhoi people contain regional dialects stretching northward into Namibia and Botswana, and elsewhere. These people, who are a physically distinct population from other Africans, have their own cultural identity based on their hunter-gatherer societies. They have been marginalised to a great extent, and many of their languages are in danger of becoming extinct.
Many white South Africans also speak other European languages, such as Portuguese (also spoken by Angolan and Mozambican blacks), German, and Greek, while some Asians and Indians in South Africa speak South Asian languages, such as Telugu, Hindi, Gujarati and Tamil.
Caixo Erramun,
Armac utziren balituzte ere... "euskal kausa" causa galdua da. Ceren causa perversoa baita sorcez, içaitez eta naturaz. Pensa eçaçu hari, othoi, gogoeta emoçu ecein ere complexu gaberican.
Dembora' iragana da, passatua da...
Dembora berriac heldu çaizquigu... hemen dira gurequin...
Gogoeta demogun, ecen asqui barre eta irri eguin baitute gure lephotican!
Eztaitezela, sikieran be, gutaz deskojona!
Gora Orçadar coloretsua!
Gora Hego eta Ipar Africa guciac, geu barne!
Ivan d'Etcheberry
Don't agree with mr lavin. The Basque cause is the old cause of a freedom thristy people enslaved by overgreedy and callous neighbours. Instead, the pathetically lost cause is that of those self-hating Basques eager to kiss the ass of their lousy conquerors. Nihil Novum Sub Solem.
Lancelot (edo zarena zareala) zure analysia da soziologiko / politikoa soil esan gabe deus buruz hizkuntzea (euskara) non expresatzen duzu desadostasunak kin Lavin dioelarik
Dembora' iragana da, passatua da...
Dembora berriac heldu çaizquigu... hemen dira gurequin...
Nik ez nuke esaten ze osoki nago konforme kin Josu Lavin laguna baina bai da egia ze ikusirik evolutione soziologikoa hon euskara bere berbak ez dira osoki eta arras ergelkeriak.
Gainera egia dena da ze euskarak -hizkuntzak berak- behar du (ditu) kambioak eta reformak sano sakon eta tentuz eginak. Ez al duzu uste gauza bera, Lancelot?
What do you think abourt it, abourt the necesary reform or reforms in -our?- Basque language?
Zer uste daroazu, delako Lancelot. Zer duzu proposatzen?
Since you ask it, here goes my answer. It seems obvious to me that Basque language is going through a pretty hard time, the main cause being the lack of an independent State embracing the whole of the Basque speaking community. Such lack makes it impossible to carry out stringent measures to secure the advancement and protection of the Basque language both sides of your current political border. Basically, you're an slave nation (just one of many), and as long as you remain so your future is uncertain, not to say hopeless, no matter what you say or do.
Secondly, it seems to me that Basque language should embrace certain morphological and syntactical transformations that are systematically shunned by the authorities capable of setting them in place. In this regard, your capital sin is called Sheer Ignorance of the anaphoric capabilities developed by the old Basque writers throughout the centuries. When ignorance raises to power the worst is to be expected, as the current agonic situation of Basque attests to.
Thirdly, I feel that people like you don't bother much to gauge the consequences of certain violent and aggressive utterances that discredit your standpoint rather than strengthening it. You and the couple of blokes that discuss your ideas here do seem to me a quite capable, articulate and learned bunch, yet there's not one single person among you able to convey your ideas and proposals without the bitterness and violence characteristic of people crawling their ineffectual way through the farthermost edges of the intellectual mainstream. The bulk of your proposals often come clouded in a mist of aggressive rhetoric that spoils many of your otherwise interesting statements. If you stick to such attitude I'm afraid your arguments will continue to languish in the most eccentric fringes of the academic word, without the slightest factual influence in the development (and eventual fall) of your beloved and unique language.
And last but not least, there's a cancer that keeps gnawing at the innermost tissue of your Basque community: one of its most recent and despicable embodiments is called Joseba Arregi, an obnoxious moral and intellectual detritus who recently stated publicly that "Basque language is just not good for everyday conversation". Well, just remember that this chap is the very former chairman of the Department of Culture of the Basque Government and so the ultimate responsible for the policies applied by that Government to advance and protect the very language that he so blatantly scorns. Cowardly rascals like him should be utterly eradicated from your community. His offences are too big to bear and his human quality too insignificant and despicable to consider him worth living.
Voilá a few bones for you to chew.
Pasatu baino lehen eta ahaztu, Lancelot, eskerrak zure hezuk mastekatzekoak gatik [eskerrak gatik zure hezur mastekatzekoak].
Pausatuago irakurriko dut zure reflexioneak zeren eskas nabil denboraz eta ez dut ulertzen ahal inglesa aise eta fluenteki. Paperera eraitsirik irakurriko dut eta seguruenez esan gero zerbait buruz diozuna.
Thanks a lot, Lancelot. "See" you soon.
Cape Town
South Africa.
Lancelot, behar dut esan zuri ze irakurri dut zure kommentarioa eta dut ulertu kasi guzia osoki, lekuren batzutan galduxe naiz batez ere hirugarren paragrapho luze hortan eta ere zerbaitska bigarrenaren azken partean. But it doesn't matter.
Nago akorduz kasik osoki kin esaten duzuna. Baina diodan, dezadan kommenta zeozer lehenengo zure lehenbiziko puntua edo "hezurra".
Diozu ondokoa:
Since you ask it, here goes my answer. It seems obvious to me that Basque language is going through a pretty hard time, the main cause being the lack of an independent State embracing the whole of the Basque speaking community. Such lack makes it impossible to carry out stringent measures to secure the advancement and protection of the Basque language both sides of your current political border. Basically, you're an slave nation (just one of many), and as long as you remain so your future is uncertain, not to say hopeless, no matter what you say or do.
Bai ni ere akorduz nago zurekin (kin zu) ze importantea eta ere determinantea litzateke rekuperatzea gure statu independente hon Nafarroa developatzeko politika linguistiko egoki faltible eta effikaz bat, hori plano soziologikoan diot. Arras da importantea diozuna eta da nekez ukatu ahalekoa diozuna, baina gogora zagun (dezagun) kasua hon Irlanda, non dugu ikusi ahal eta ere oraino ikusten ez da independentzia politikoa -berez eta besterik gabe- solutione magikoa tzat rekuperatu hizkuntzea. Dut uste duzula zuk ere kompartitzen nire analysia. Dut uste.
Bestetik, duzu kommentatzen bigarren "hezurrean" hauxe:
Secondly, it seems to me that Basque language should embrace certain morphological and syntactical transformations that are systematically shunned by the authorities capable of setting them in place. In this regard, your capital sin is called Sheer Ignorance of the anaphoric capabilities developed by the old Basque writers throughout the centuries. When ignorance raises to power the worst is to be expected, as the current agonic situation of Basque attests to.
Hemen kommentarioan, ulertzen dut lehenengo phrasea eta dut kompartitzen zure analysia osoki (eta ere gehiago zeren ez duzu aipatzen importantzia hon orthographia). [Secondly, it seems to me that Basque language should embrace certain morphological and syntactical transformations that are systematically shunned by the authorities capable of setting them in place.]
Paragrapho hontako bi azken phraseak ez ditut ulertzen nahi nukeen bezain klarki. [In this regard, your capital sin is called Sheer Ignorance of the anaphoric capabilities developed by the old Basque writers throughout the centuries. When ignorance raises to power the worst is to be expected, as the current agonic situation of Basque attests to.]. Bietan, bi phraseetan, galtzen naiz, ez dakidala zergatik.
Baina aipatzen duzuna paragraphoan da osoki eta totalki importantea.
Momentuz gaur hemen uzten dut lumea, teklatua baina ez esan gabe (gabe esan) ze da hirugarren paragrapho zurea -luzeena- importantea batez ere niretzat eta aktuatzeko effizienteki eta ahalaz gabe lar exageratu eta emphatizatu eta lar extrapolatu. Eskerrak, hemen ere, berriro, zure reflexionea gatik, zeinaz dut konkordatzen -globalki-.
"See" you letter, Lancelot. Tartean (bitartean) ahal duzu skribitu zuk -eta edozeinek ere- gehiago.
Ez adiorik.
Cape Town, Kabo Hiria
South Africa, Hego Afrika.
Lancelot, zure hirugarren "hezurra" da ondokoa:
Thirdly, I feel that people like you don't bother much to gauge the consequences of certain violent and aggressive utterances that discredit your standpoint rather than strengthening it. You and the couple of blokes that discuss your ideas here do seem to me a quite capable, articulate and learned bunch, yet there's not one single person among you able to convey your ideas and proposals without the bitterness and violence characteristic of people crawling their ineffectual way through the farthermost edges of the intellectual mainstream. The bulk of your proposals often come clouded in a mist of aggressive rhetoric that spoils many of your otherwise interesting statements. If you stick to such attitude I'm afraid your arguments will continue to languish in the most eccentric fringes of the academic word, without the slightest factual influence in the development (and eventual fall) of your beloved and unique language.
Dirudienez Lancelot' esaten duzuna da -eta holan ez bada zuzendu mesedez- behintzat zenbaitska -zuk diozuna da many- puntu hemen blogean agertuak dira aski interesante [The bulk of your proposals often come clouded in a mist of aggressive rhetoric that spoils many of your otherwise interesting statements.] baina kausaz nire rhetorika agressivoa dago arriskua geratzea hutsean, puntu hilean, aspektu direlako interesanteak [If you stick to such attitude I'm afraid your arguments will continue to languish in the most eccentric fringes of the academic word, without the slightest factual influence in the development (and eventual fall) of your beloved and unique language.].
Baliteke arrazoi zuk izatea an diozuna -(nahiz ez dut kompartitzen analysia agressivitatearena nire skribuetan nahiz diren batzutan aski edo lar gordinak)- baina iruditzen zait ezen argumentu on positivo direlakoak aipatuak nik edo bestek behar lirateke haintzat hartu eta bazter utzi tangenzialean egon ahal diren purruskada desegokiak edo ez horren desegokiak. Responsableek behar lukete jakin bereizten eta differentziatzen garau on garbi valekoa eta samarrak dagozkenak tartean. Penagarri litzateke izatea horren nivel intelektuak gutia zeinak impeditzen luke developamendu generala hon hizkuntza publiko bat.
Gainera -zuk edo bestetzuk- nortzuk ikusten duzue problema hori, arrisku hori [without the slightest factual influence in the development (and eventual fall)] egiten ahal duzue zeozer gerta ez dadin holakorik, eskaini zuen ahala, harturik parte -egoki litzateen bezala- modu egokian gabe alferreko agressivitatea modu egoki , effektivo, positivo eta kollektivoan. Zuk ere, Lancelot, eskaini zazu zure ahal agian moderatuagoa.
Asteon, zeina da nire azkena momentuz hemen Hego Afrikan, nahi dut zeozer esan buruz zure laugarren eta azken "hezurra". Izango ahal dut hortako asti eta tentua, tentu egokia.
Eskerrak eta berriz arte Lancelot. Hementxe doa zure laugarren puntuoi nola gogoragarri geroko.
And last but not least, there's a cancer that keeps gnawing at the innermost tissue of your Basque community: one of its most recent and despicable embodiments is called Joseba Arregi, an obnoxious moral and intellectual detritus who recently stated publicly that "Basque language is just not good for everyday conversation". Well, just remember that this chap is the very former chairman of the Department of Culture of the Basque Government and so the ultimate responsible for the policies applied by that Government to advance and protect the very language that he so blatantly scorns. Cowardly rascals like him should be utterly eradicated from your community. His offences are too big to bear and his human quality too insignificant and despicable to consider him worth living.
Cape Town, Kabo Hiria
South Africa, Hego Afrika
astelehena 3 abendua 2007
Lancelot, irakur lezanak, zure azken "hezur" hau (And last but not least)
And last but not least, there's a cancer that keeps gnawing at the innermost tissue of your Basque community: one of its most recent and despicable embodiments is called Joseba Arregi, an obnoxious moral and intellectual detritus who recently stated publicly that "Basque language is just not good for everyday conversation". Well, just remember that this chap is the very former chairman of the Department of Culture of the Basque Government and so the ultimate responsible for the policies applied by that Government to advance and protect the very language that he so blatantly scorns. Cowardly rascals like him should be utterly eradicated from your community. His offences are too big to bear and his human quality too insignificant and despicable to consider him worth living.
esan lezake ze dago paragraphoa, eta ere redaktorea, hurbilago tik mundu agressivoa ezi mundu bare eta baketsua.
Amaitzeko esan ze plazer nuke nik, eta uste dut ere irakurleak hon nire blog hau, irakurtzeko berriz zure apportationeak zeintsu izango dira ziur aberasgarriak baldin badira nolatsu egin duzuna kin "lau hezurrak". Beraz, berriz arte, nahi zenukeen arte.
Ez utzi gerotik gerora esatekoak.
Cape Town, Kabo Hiria
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